Does your brand have a muse?

There’s a reason that the concept of Muses date back to ancient Greece and have been used for centuries. When creative genius falters, a connection to a muse can strike the inspiration needed for your next big aha! Think about any body of work that a famous painter has created based on a single Muse. You can recognize a clear thread that informed every decision, brush stroke, chisel.

Similarly, brands that make decisions centered around a Muse (for product, innovation, design, tone of voice, the list goes on…) are rewarded with the output of a cohesive visual and verbal story across touchpoints, so that every time a consumer thinks of your brand, you occupy a very clear and focused space in their minds. Muses make your brand decisions easier. Should you move forward with this product innovation? Which marketing message should we use on our next digital campaign? Which design option is the best one? The answers are clear–what would your Muse prefer?

What exactly is a Brand Muse?

Sterling’s Muse methodology uses robust qualitative research to identify aspirational consumers within a target audience. Aggregating insights from various research methodologies, we use each individual’s values, motivations, behaviors, needs and lifestyles to create a composite consumer portrait. Sterling has created Muses for brands like Nike, Estée Lauder, La Mer, Corona, Stella Artois and National Geographic, that allows them to target narrow and catch wide.

A Muse inspires organizations to make informed choices that build emotional and behavioral loyalty with powerful human storytelling.

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Give Me a Reason to Stay


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